Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Easter in Nome 2007

Easter was warm this year, not like the freezing day last year. Morgan, Madison, and I went to Old St. Joe's where they have the Easter egg hunt right in Anvil City Square. Unfortunately, Madison didn't get a single egg! She was so sad. When one of the prizes is a bike, the kids, "egged" on by their folks, pick up every egg in sight. I wish she had just found one. You should have seen her face! Luckily, she had given me a plastic egg earlier and it was in my coat pocket. I let it drop and she "found" one. She remembered that I had the egg previously and thought she now had two, so I had to do some quick manuvering to make her forget the previous egg. Oh, well. We had fun though. Morgan couldn't chase for eggs this year. They changed the rules a tad and made three age groups, all seven and younger, so the big kids wouldn't take advantage.

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