Saturday, April 30, 2005

Your Linguistic Profile:

80% General American English

10% Yankee

5% Midwestern

5% Upper Midwestern

0% Dixie

I got this blogthing off of Brian's site and was very intrigued. I have always thought I speak differently from my fellow Americans, mostly by my trying to imitate my father, who was born and raised in Blackpool, England. I have realized later in life that my dad left England at the age of sixteen and he doesn't sound American, but doesn't sound British either. When you put my dad next to his relatives (he and my mom are in England right now, by the way), he does not sound like them. I never thought I sounded Midwestern.

I wonder why this test doesn't have words like "ain't" and use of double negatives and "gonna." Living out here in Washington State, I hear the Chicago in my accent from time to time. I guess this test shows what I thought, really, that I, as a language-oriented fellow, usually speak General American English. But I wonder where that is exactly.

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