Thursday, April 07, 2005


Living in Washington has actually made my allergies BETTER. I was always sniffling and snorting in Illinois. Funny thing is that my nose still does it sometimes out of habit, I swear. I'll sniffle and then catch myself wondering what I sniffled for.

Allergies hit me hard in Illinois. For the most part, I'm great here in Washington. Must be a complete change in flora and fauna here. My daughter even has a cat, and I never even used to be able to go near those feline things.

Last couple of days I have been sniffly. I think I've figured it out. For about two days, really, it has just been me and Madison. I've haven't gotten all gussied up. Think I've just shampooed my hair and dried. Therein lies the problem. I didn't put my gel into my hair. Only a little, mind you. Gives me the spikiness I usually need. I haven't put the gel in for about two days. And now I'm sniffly. Thinking back, this happens every time I don't put goop in my hair.

I'm allergic to my own hair.

Is there a precedent for this?

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