Monday, July 04, 2005


Finally got a haircut today. It's amazing--I'm married to a hairstylist and can never get my hair cut. I don't blame her though because it's not like she wants to do a 43rd haircut when she comes home at night.

Madison is watching Barney on demand, which pretty much means I am stuck listening to Barney. Ugh.

Morgan is in Illinois with my mother. She went to Six Flags Great America this weekend. I'm a little jealous.

I turn my back on Madison and she dumps out a whole container of chess and game pieces. Ugh.

I am still mad about not actually knowing my grade on my final paper for my Literary Theory class. I guess I should let it go but it pisses me off, especially as a teacher.

I'm not doing anything on the 4th of July today, and that's ok by me.

New class starts tomorrow, a creative writing class. So I will probably subject this blog to those writings.

If that Chicken Dance Elmo sings one more time, I think I will beat my head on the desk.

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