Friday, July 01, 2005

Sorry for the pink ink pal...

Well, Mr. Butcher, I just feel extremely compelled to thank you for putting up with our class. I know we've been nothing short of stressful at times. But you stuck with us, and I appreciate it more than you know. Honestly, you've inspired me to be a better student and helped me to be an overall better person. I know you're my English teacher, but you've been much more than that to me. You were like a Dad I never had. The love you have for your girls showed me more of the good in the world. And you've always listened when you needed to. You've had an unbelievable impact on my life. Instead of dreading waking up I embrace my days with open arms and a smile. I wish you more than the best. That goes for your family also. I love you like a dad. Keep in touch.


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