Friday, August 26, 2005

Second day classroom setup

Had to do a lot of computer work today. I hate Macs. Nothing but problems. I can make a PC sing for me and with a Mac I feel like I am learning Japanese for the first time. There is no right click on a Mac and when you get used to that on a PC, you're screwed when it comes to Mac. And then I had this major printing problem at the last minute today before I wanted to go home. Apparently, the tech guy, Sergio, actually a Mexican gentleman that lives here, didn't install my network printer AppleTalk thing yet. I couldn't do it. I eventually fixed it by emailing it to Ms. Martens, the business ed teacher, in her PC lab! I am going to go in tomorrow and run some copies of my syllabus and classroom expectations brochure.

When we went to drop Amy off at work at Hanson's grocery store (we still have access to the school van but that ends September 1st and I don't know what we'll do to get her to work then...), we stopped at the Country Store, a True Value store, and finally got a dinner table and chairs. Only spent $329, which is a super deal here. Besides the air mattresses, this is our first furniture in the apartment. We also saw a reindeer in the bed of someone's pickup down on Front Street. Somehow, it didn't seem out of place.

I have a ton of work to do this weekend. My stuff for my Masters classes looms over me like a dark cloud. I don't even want to do it, which is worse. This film theory class stunk and my seminar in fiction class is boring. I really miss that first Poetry class I had back in February.

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