Saturday, August 20, 2005

Garage Sale

Went garage saling today. (Is that how it's spelled: "s-a-l-i-n-g?")

The difference between a Nome garage sale and a lower-48 garage sale is that most of them actually take place in the house. Come to think of it, I don't think I've seen a single garage. They clean out the front room and leave everything for sale in it. We found some sweaters, some pans, and some odds and ends. The ultimate find though was our coffee pot! $5 for a 12-cup bean-grinder/brewer. Way cool. I hadn't had coffee all week (except at the inservice on Friday). I think we went through three pots today. We're from Seattle, man, we need our coffee! There is actually no Starbucks here. We actually found a part of the world where they haven't invaded yet, much to our chagrin. There is one little espresso stand, in with one of the little tourist trap shops.

Probably the biggest event of the day though is that Madison went #2 in the big potty for the first time. We were singing and dancing down the halls, "Poopy in the Potty!" a kind of rumba tune that we made up to do a conga line to.

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