Friday, May 13, 2005

Stoopid Too

Here are some more clips and phrases from the computer lab resume unit.

1. What year was I in fifth grade?
2. I don't know anybody.
3. (Told to fill out personal information section) Is that about me?
4. (Asked, "Do you sit at home and twiddle your thumbs?") Yes.
5. (Filling out dates of employment on the resume, I kid you not) December 2004 to whenever i get fired or quit
6. (Filling out dates of employment on the resume, different student) December 2004 to whenever she gets home or whenever she needs me

They also have to fill out a general application for employment. This goes in their portfolio and shows that they have basic job-seeking skills. Several students asked me today what to put down for "Date You Started" on previous employment. Ummm, maybe the date you started!! I got so fed up by the end of the day over dozens of stupid questions like that. Thank God it is the weekend!

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