Friday, May 06, 2005

Nome Interview

I must say, it is like a beating, doing an interview. This one had four people listening to me on speaker phone. It is such a tough skill to come up with answers on the fly, not stutter, and sound professional and dignified.

They never ask the same questions. They asked me on this one to explain my thoughts on the different models of middle school or junior high. I didn't know there was a discernible difference. I stumbled around for about ten seconds and then pretty much admitted I would have to do some research on that. Boy, I hope that one doesn't screw me. I had good answers to the other questions though.

They also went ahead and talked to me about housing, becoming head girls' volleyball coach, raising a family in Nome, etc. So those are good signs.

The decision will probably be Tuesday or Wednesday. Cross your fingers!

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