Monday, October 11, 2004

Amazing what's online

I have found that the internet is not the "pay to play" domain that many people think it is. The internet can generally bring people together and share passions and hobbies and other things.

Once, I actually received a cassette tape from Japan a fellow Bryan Adams fan made me. No price. Full of bootlegs and rarities.

Once, I received two full video tapes of the tv show Seven Days that I collect. No price and I got many episodes that I did not have. This was well before syndication.

Once, I actually received the paperback book Knight Life from a Peter David (author) fan. No price. This was because it was out of print at the time. The only requirement was to mail it to the next person on the list when I was done with it, which I did.

Once, I actually found a text document of J. D. Salinger's non-reprinted works from old magazines. Since I am a huge fan of Salinger, this was like finding a holy grail since many of these magazines are not kept in libraries.

Lately, I have found a fan website that regularly posts old time radio programs, of which I am a big fan.

That's what you have to do--not eBay, not Amazon, not store sites. You have to find other fans. That is where the sharing takes place. Now I get to listen to Jack Benny and the old Superman programs like they were meant to be--free.

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